7 Best Relationship Advice for building a Healthy and Strong Relationship

Relationships are not like fantasy movies where your love will be on the peak even after 2-3 years. Relationship is love between two adults where you understand each other and accept them with their negativeness. It’s really difficult to have a perfect relationship which is away from all the nuisances. But telling your partner how much you love him will surely bring all the difference to a big bad end. Here are some best relationship advices for building a healthy and strong relationship.

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Best Relationship Advice for building a Healthy and Strong Relationship



All the relationships are build-up on trust. Once the trust is gone there is no point left to persist your relationship. Trust your mate just the way you used to do in first 2-3 months of your relationship. Let your eyes speak the truth. Stay true to your self and your partner.

Stop when Needed


You can’t stay around your love partner every time. Sometimes you need break from your partner and that’s totally okay! We are human beings and we need our space. We need time to comprehend what we need from our own self. Such spaces are essential because it keeps relationships more clear and stronger.

Be More Sexy

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By Sexy I don’t mean to dress up everyday like a hot guy/girl for your inmate. By Sexy I mean to keep your relationship occurring. It can either be bedroom activities or maybe some surprise planned for each other just for telling how much they connote to you. Here are tricks to be awesome and be your favorite!

Understand Not Agree

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There’s a difference between understanding and agree. Conversations turn into arguments when you try to contradict your partner opinions or maybe when you just keep on telling them what is right and what is wrong. There’s nothing right and nothing wrong it’s just your perspective towards situations and things. Rather than having controversies you need to understand each other opinions and sort It out then. Do not convolute it. Stay simple and happy. Arguing, though, is not the key to have a happy and strong relationship. Learn to stay clam!

Avoid Being Insecure


This is the major issues of all the relationships. Problem starts when you start getting insecure with your partner’s life. I get it that you love him/her and you have a right to tell them with what you are comfortable and what not. But apparently it’s their life. They have got a right to do what they want to. They choose you for their support not as to become a prisoner.

Stay Different

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When you do things together you realize the bonding you guys are budding between each other. Go become an adventurous travel together, cook things together, play, laugh, tease. Relationships are not only about sex they are more than that. Do different things (scary shit!) and you will start loving each other more. Your bond will get stronger and you will start understanding each other.

Speak Up!


Relationships aren’t meant to shut up and keep listening to your partner. Speak what you want to, Speak what you feel and speak what you understand. The more you guys will try to tell each other about your thoughts and feelings the less misunderstandings you will have. Conversation starters, may be!

A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other. Best Relationship Advice for building a Healthy and Strong Relationship is don’t just settle for becoming a cute couple but understand each other always. Rather than showing off to everyone that how much happy you guys are with each other you need to stay happy in actual (real) life. Let not make negative vibes lose your partner. Because they are special and lovely! Relationships make you a better person, you just need a perfect partner to help you be one!



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